History of The School

The origins of Parktown Boys’ High School may be traced back to 1920 when the school was established on a site now occupied by the SABC in Auckland Park. In 1923 the present school was founded in Wellington Road, the original building now being a National Monument. Past Parktonians have acquitted themselves as leaders of commerce, renowned academics and international sportsmen.
Our stated values are applied in a day-to-day school life that strives for mastery of the basic learning tools and resources including: communication in spoken and written language, number skills, mathematical reasoning, entrepreneurial skills and spatial relationships, logical inquiry and their applications, creative, imaginative and intuitive ways of thinking and experiencing, the ability to apply and use knowledge symbols, processes and skills’ perception, expression and appreciation through the arts and crafts, motor and other physical skills, management of bodily and mental health, the articulation of experience and thinking into value and belief systems.Academic Philosophy Education at Parktown draws significantly on proactive discovery-based learning, problem-sharing opportunities and the principle of freedom of expression.
Parktown Boys’ High School believes in the creation of a co-operative and dynamic environment by virtue of an efficient and flexible management structure. The is managed by the School Executive – consisting of the Headmaster, and Deputy Headmasters , Heads of Departments, together with the Governing Body, which comprises of elected representatives of the parents. The two bodies liaise with the staff and parents of the school and report back regularly at open meetings of staff and parents alike in order to ensure that decision-making is transparent and that all concerned parties are represented.A professionally qualified and motivated academic and extra-mural staff employs current teaching and coaching practices and is kept abreast of contemporary trends in education and sports training via interaction with tertiary institutions and in-service training programmes. Members of staff involve themselves in the school’s comprehensive extra-curricular programme which allows them the opportunity to interact with learners on an informal level; in turn, this involvement improves classroom management and fosters the self-image of learners.
We believe in commitment to the school’s ethos of excellence and quality, honesty, integrity and gentlemanly conduct, tolerance and empathy, trust and respect, self-discipline, initiative and enterprise, leadership and team spirit, full participation, personal and social achievement, free communication. The motto of Parktown Boys’ High School, “Arise”, inspires the tradition, values and spirit of the learners, parents and staff of the Parktonian family.
A formalized system of extra tuition allows every learner the opportunity to succeed and excel in any academic area. Available resources inculcate in the learner independent recourse to study materials and reference works. Parktown’s computer centre allows students to practice latest trends in information technology and to access authorized academic training programmes. A qualified Guidance Counsellor deals with the intellectual, physical and emotional changes experienced by young/adolescent learners and offers advice on appropriate subject choices and career opportunities.
Eleven cultural activities are offered to the learners at Parktown: the Brass and Drum Corps, Chess Club, Choir, Drama, First Aid, Heart of the Lion (the school’s charity programme), Media Centre, Oratory (Public Speaking and Debating), Photography Club, Stock Exchange Game and Traditional Dancing. Cultural life is extended with visits to art galleries, museums and musical performances.
Parktown prides itself on a tradition of sports excellence that is reflected in the significant number of Springboks and international sportsmen who have proven themselves on the sports field. Summer sports include Cricket, Rowing, Waterpolo and Swimming, while Winter sports offered are Athletics, Cross Country, Football, Hockey, Rugby and Shooting. Squash and Tennis are offered throughout the year. Learners are required to participate in at least one summer and one winter activity selected from the extensive Cultural and Sport programmes.
Parktown 2023
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